Wednesday, June 25, 2008


What I’m reading – Wiring schematics for a blower start circuit… Don’t ask.

What I’m drinking – Sticking with vodka soda. It may be the end of me though.

What I’m playing – Castle fight V1.11 with Micah. It’s a Warcraft III mod that is pretty sweet.

I got this eating alone thing down to a science. I was in and out of the restaurant this morning in about 3 minutes flat. Walk in, grab three eggs and some potatoes and sit down. I was half done when the waiter brought me my OJ, and out of there before he could even get to the coffee pot. Grabbed a cup to go and put in some leche, or creepy brown milk if you prefer English.

Work was uneventful. I was so excited to only have one thing to do, and one customer to work with instead of my usual juggling act. In fact it pretty dull, and I find myself procrastinating a lot of things. Bad Slago.

My Project Manager flew in today and we met to BS and have drinks in the lobby. Good times, I was half drunk in about 20 minutes and he was tipping. Speaking of tips, its kinda weird here. If I travel in the US and can expense stuff, I can figure out my limit, tip on the credit card and write the whole thing off. Here its all free but I cant put down “30 pesos for the dude pouring stiff drinks” on my reports. I know, I know, you feel soooo sorry for me. Drank till 8 with him then grabbed dinner (and more drinks). It’s a tough life.


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